
Shannon’s Hope Camp

An overnight beach experience with kids who get it

Shannon’s Hope Camp

The death of a loved one can often cause children to feel isolated from their friends so a grief camp can be a breathe of fresh air as they meet other young people who “get it.”And we’ve been hosting camp since 1989, so we’ve worked hard to make sure it is both kid-friendly as well as parent-approved. We have a full schedule that offers just the right blend of workshops & free time. And they’ll have a chance to deal with the hard stuff and laugh with new friends. For lots more details and to see a glimpse of camp, check out the rest of this page & then sign-up.

Camp is relaxing, camp is fun, camp is meaningful, camp is free!

Next Camp Dates: October 19th & 20th

What to Expect


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This is camp – but not camping. Campers stay with other kids & counselors in a cabin with heat/air conditioning, a bathroom, a shower & a bunk bed all with a view of the ocean.


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Going to camp means making new friends. Campers are placed in groups of 6-10 peers throughout the workshops, activities and meals so they will get plenty of hang time.

What to Bring

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Just the essentials – a sleeping bag & pillow, towel, change of clothes, flashlight, sunscreen & toiletries.


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Meals and snacks provided including heaping portions of pancakes, eggs, yogurt, cinnamon rolls, hamburgers, chicken fingers, a salad bar, mac & cheese, fresh fruit, granola bars, and desserts. The cafeteria is peanut-free and vegetarian & gluten-free options are available.


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Each youth is matched with a caring adult who will help them get settled in, attend workshops with them, listen when they need to talk, & hang out together throughout camp. All volunteers undergo an extensive background check & receive training.


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Your child may have a lot to share after camp so we encourage you to plan some time afterwards to ask them about their experience and be prepared to listen for a while if possible. And don’t worry, we’ll prepare you with information about what they did & even some suggested questions you might ask to get the conversation going.


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It wouldn’t be camp without free time to play soccer, shoot some hoops, participate in a drumming circle, take a walk on the beach or just relax in the sun or the shade.


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Each session is engaging & unique as we use music, art, writing, kite-flying on the beach & a candlelight ceremony to help campers deal with what they are going through. And they will *never* be forced to share unless they are ready to do so.


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  • Arrival, Cabin-Move In & Snacks
  • Opening Ceremony
  • Workshop 1
  • Lunch
  • Workshop 2
  • Free Time
  • Workshop 3
  • Dinner
  • Drumming Circle
  • Workshop 4
  • Candlelight Ceremony
  • Bonfire/S’mores
  • Lights Out


  • Breakfast/Pack-Up
  • Workshop 5
  • Kite-Flying on the Beach
  • Closing Ceremony
  • Pick-Up/Bus Departure

Get Started

1. Enroll

Complete the Stepping Stones Membership Form

2. Schedule

Schedule time with our staff to discuss your needs & our support

3. Register

Register for Shannon’s Hope Camp